Why were /r9k/ and /new/ removed? === /r9k/ was originally created to test an implementation of xkcd's ROBOT9000 script [http://blog.xkcd.com/2008/01/14/robot9000-and-xkcd-signal-attacking-noise-in-chat/]. The basic idea was that since unoriginal comments and images would be blocked and their contributors muted, only original content could be created. This worked for a while, and the board was essentially a slower, more sophisticated version of /b/. The original arcanine users frequently referred to themselves as gentlemen, and conducted themselves as such. Unfortunately, that changed. Many of the original contributors left for boards like /sci/, /lit/, and /adv/, which were split away from /r9k/. Lacking a focus, it's long since devolved into a BAWW-fest and is a shade of its former self. Past whining, the only original content being contributed were greentext threads. Its removal is long overdue. Per the global message, I'm willing to entertain ideas for new boards. If you have an idea for a board that would recapture the magic of greentext, but shed the BAWW threads, misogyny, and self-loathing, feel free to suggest it. tl;dr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cHsNnDfmDs&fmt=18 --- As for /new/, anybody who used it knows exactly why it was removed. When I re-added the board last year, I made a note that if it devolved into /stormfront/, I'd remove it. It did -- ages ago. Now it's gone, as promised. === In the coming months we'll be adding a new round of janitors (the first in a long time), as well as promoting the last remaining active janitors to moderators. Following that, we'll be adding new boards. When we're ready to start accepting janitor applications, we'll announce it in the global message (red text) area. As always, questions/comments/suggestions/concerns/complaints/etc can go to moot@4chan.org. Note that I read every message I get, but due to sheer volume and time constraints, am unable to respond to all of them. --- PS: Check 'em -- http://boards.4chan.org/lit/res/1466666#1466669