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  • File : 1097738750.jpg-(67628 B, 640x480)
    67628 B Piano Lesson BusterBrown 10/14/04(Thu)16:25 No.20377   [Reply]

    File : 1097560786.jpg-(73277 B, 600x764)
    73277 B Anonymous !x/shuANOnY 10/12/04(Tue)14:59 No.20279   [Reply]
    3 posts omitted and 5 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> !EBHsswvZUM 10/13/04(Wed)13:54 No.20318
         File : 1097643299.jpg-(66663 B, 461x650)
    66663 B
    >> Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)07:22 No.20324
    oh dear god, sakaki and kagura together...boner-rific
    >> Mugi Mugi 10/14/04(Thu)13:55 No.20359
    more azumanga hotness plz!
    >> !EBHsswvZUM 10/14/04(Thu)15:27 No.20375
         File : 1097735236.jpg-(98947 B, 565x800)
    98947 B
    If anyone has Azumanga yuri that doesn't have a *chan filename, throw it in the pool!
    >> !EBHsswvZUM 10/14/04(Thu)15:29 No.20376
         File : 1097735360.jpg-(199176 B, 1280x960)
    199176 B
    'cuz the pool is running a little dry.

    File : 1097632664.jpg-(99188 B, 854x927)
    99188 B Galaxy Angel sletia 10/12/04(Tue)10:57 No.20309   [Reply]
    Yes? No? All been seen before?
    9 posts omitted and 5 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)14:48 No.20364
    Requesting Mint x Vanilla pics!
    >> GB2/L/ Roobar !phvTsqRUaI 10/14/04(Thu)21:35 No.20384
    Core. You are a moron, all loli crap goes into /l/, I will be deleting any loli in here (only if it looks loli that is) and bans will be handed out if it happens often.
    >> sletia 10/14/04(Thu)23:36 No.20385
    The rest of the images will be in /l/. I do NOT want to be banned. I'll play it safe.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)00:40 No.20387
    Go fuck yourself Roobar, you upchuck dogpuke rat-fucker!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)10:30 No.20406
    Loli crap? Dude, you've got problems. Whatever. It's your loss...

    File : 1097731032.jpg-(54985 B, 500x400)
    54985 B louie 10/14/04(Thu)14:17 No.20360   [Reply]
    >> louie 10/14/04(Thu)14:17 No.20361
         File : 1097731075.jpg-(55345 B, 500x400)
    55345 B
    >> louie 10/14/04(Thu)14:18 No.20362
         File : 1097731123.jpg-(50389 B, 500x400)
    50389 B
    >> louie 10/14/04(Thu)14:19 No.20363
         File : 1097731178.jpg-(47634 B, 500x400)
    47634 B

    File : 1097603827.jpg-(64870 B, 501x650)
    64870 B lefty !3m3gDYZdng 10/12/04(Tue)02:57 No.20293   [Reply]
    >> lefty !3m3gDYZdng 10/12/04(Tue)02:59 No.20295
         File : 1097603956.jpg-(82603 B, 700x541)
    82603 B
    source unknown
    >> miss_deep !ZcV8Iz.faE 10/12/04(Tue)03:36 No.20296
    These are all Suigetsu, if that's what you meant.
    >> lefty !3m3gDYZdng 10/12/04(Tue)06:00 No.20300
    >>These are all Suigetsu, if that's what you mean

    I meant that I dunno the series or artist :)
    >> Source Kongming !RWPfQOWrOU 10/13/04(Wed)12:08 No.20344

    ... I think :(
    >> Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)12:48 No.20357
         File : 1097725680.jpg-(65128 B, 567x425)
    65128 B
    Is this the blonde?

    File : 1097723053.jpg-(41641 B, 315x450)
    41641 B Wednesday's Sakura Yuri Texas Android 10/13/04(Wed)12:04 No.20340   [Reply]
    9 posts omitted and 11 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Texas Android 10/13/04(Wed)12:13 No.20353
         File : 1097723630.jpg-(55864 B, 590x833)
    55864 B
    >> Texas Android 10/13/04(Wed)12:14 No.20354
         File : 1097723668.jpg-(99915 B, 600x633)
    99915 B
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)14:51 No.20365
    >> Texas Android 10/14/04(Thu)20:43 No.20381
    Which brings up a good question. Which takes priority? Loli or Yuri? I'll hold off on the CCS Yuri threads for a day or two to get a better idea which board they should go to. I assumed Yuri, but that's just IMHO.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)02:05 No.20388

    ok let me refrase that zero ! 005 10/13/04(Wed)10:14 No.20330   [Reply]
    why is everything censored and how can i uncensor it?
    >> BMP 10/13/04(Wed)11:24 No.20335
    The artists do it. Photoshop and talent is the only way, and that requires a brain, something you seem to lack.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)11:41 No.20337
    Japan lost WWII and the US imposed a law whereby Japan can't show pornography without censoring private areas. That law still stands today obviously.
    >> BMP 10/13/04(Wed)11:47 No.20338
    *BZZZT* wrong.
    It's gone, but it still is in the culture. They can draw vaginas till the cows come home, just like the Americans. They just don't.
    >> Am I right? o.O Kongming !RWPfQOWrOU 10/13/04(Wed)12:02 No.20339
    Your both sortta right. The big problem is pubes. They used to be able to show vaginas just as long as they didn't have pubes... and as we all know that led to child porn. Lot of it. So America decided we should dip our ass in Japanese affairs and say that they can't show childporn... which led to Japan taking porn off public leading to rape... Am I right or am I wrong?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)02:07 No.20389

    File : 1097509046.jpg-(58400 B, 1024x768)
    58400 B Anonymous 10/11/04(Mon)00:37 No.20157   [Reply]
    >> Anonymous 10/12/04(Tue)08:53 No.20305
    >> Metallic 10/13/04(Wed)07:17 No.20322
    She has claws on her feet... o_O
    >> kinnky 10/13/04(Wed)07:18 No.20323
    >> Thany !1eV3RTo44w 10/13/04(Wed)09:14 No.20328
    you people are looking at their FEET?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)09:35 No.20329

    File : 1097556639.jpg-(194908 B, 1024x768)
    194908 B Evangelion starter~ Ka-chan !D89FL9QKAI 10/12/04(Tue)13:50 No.20273   [Reply]
    4 posts omitted and 4 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Superman 10/12/04(Tue)21:20 No.20284
         File : 1097583610.jpg-(51162 B, 640x480)
    51162 B
    Dunno why teh Rei has glasses, maybe she's in disguise. But whatever.
    >> Ka-chan !D89FL9QKAI 10/12/04(Tue)09:07 No.20306
    Sorry, it looked like reddish eyes to me. It just seemed her despite the style.

    Guess we just differ in opinion til someone can prove one of us wrong.

    Regardless, it's still a nice desktop. ^^;
    >> Anonymous 10/12/04(Tue)12:54 No.20313

    Maybe I'm out of it, but who is Ritsuko groping there? o.o That almost looks like the doctor from Nadesico...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)13:01 No.20314
    i think it's supposed to be asuka, hair's a little off tho.
    >> Curb 10/13/04(Wed)08:57 No.20327
    The pic with Ritsuko groping is from a set of pics with an older asuka as a teacher, I belive. Least that's what I was told.

    File : 1097707566.jpg-(117876 B, 500x500)
    117876 B Super Robot War Yuri Nerem 10/13/04(Wed)07:46 No.20325   [Reply]
    Ibis and Irui from SRW Alpha 2

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