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  • Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:03 No.46007   [Reply]
    I have a lolita complex.
    1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:20 No.46012
    Bil Keane?
    >> Loli-Fan !FSjn6bAoZc 10/14/04(Thu)08:24 No.46019
    Bill Nye?
    >> WhiteCat !c/2ILOLITA 10/14/04(Thu)08:43 No.46028
         File : 1097797389.jpg-(231498 B, 1024x1024)
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    >> Daidouji 10/15/04(Fri)13:05 No.46112
    I think most the people on l do
    >> Kebinu 10/15/04(Fri)13:33 No.46123
    Don't feel bad about it, Mr. Ashcroft, there are plenty of open-minded and understanding people here. They'll make you feel right at home. Well-adjusted, too.

    File : 1097807453.jpg-(161128 B, 1333x1333)
    161128 B Lolicon Jeremy 10/14/04(Thu)11:30 No.46091   [Reply]
    Where is a good place to get lolicon doujins?
    Please help I'm wasting to much time looking.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)12:22 No.46094
    >> Jeremy 10/14/04(Thu)12:34 No.46096
    Torrents take a really long time if you only have access to a 56k modem. I was hoping someone could tell me some good websites.
    >> Loli-Fan !FSjn6bAoZc 10/15/04(Fri)13:06 No.46113
    What is that site, e-hentai.com or something? They have tons of diferant doujins there, just look up the series with loli characters.
    Or you could try the digi artists domain for digimon doujins, which are usualy lolitastic.
    >> sites. anon 10/15/04(Fri)13:30 No.46122
    If you have a credit card, try:
    jpqueen.com (used manga).
    mandarake.co.jp (doujins mostly).

    sites are english accessible.

    File : 1097813495.jpg-(246885 B, 549x649)
    246885 B Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:11 No.46114   [Reply]
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:12 No.46115
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:13 No.46116
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:15 No.46117
         File : 1097813715.jpg-(234981 B, 640x640)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:16 No.46118
         File : 1097813774.jpg-(161468 B, 721x552)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:17 No.46119
         File : 1097813857.jpg-(149040 B, 600x553)
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    File : 1097796455.jpg-(106485 B, 770x790)
    106485 B so this won't just be a request theDude 10/14/04(Thu)08:27 No.46020   [Reply]
    anyone remember that doujin where Chiyo gets screwed by her dog? Could soneone repost?
    8 posts omitted and 11 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> The_New_Statesman 10/14/04(Thu)10:33 No.46075
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    >> The_New_Statesman 10/14/04(Thu)10:34 No.46076
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    >> The_New_Statesman 10/14/04(Thu)10:35 No.46077
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    >> The_New_Statesman 10/14/04(Thu)10:36 No.46079
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    >> Daidouji 10/15/04(Fri)13:01 No.46111
    I wish I had Chiyo For my self :)

    File : 1097797308.jpg-(130821 B, 800x600)
    130821 B Texas Android 10/14/04(Thu)08:41 No.46026   [Reply]
    Someone who appears to be a moderator (Roobar) is threatening bans in /u for loli/yuri pics posted there. If this person is indeed a moderator, and I would rather not take the chance (and I have no real reason to doubt he is, other than the fact that anyone could make the claim), I will not chance it. The Card Captor Sakura Yuri thread will move to /l unless I'm instructed otherwise..
    8 posts omitted and 11 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Texas Android 10/14/04(Thu)08:49 No.46037
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    >> Texas Android 10/14/04(Thu)08:50 No.46038
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    >> Texas Android 10/14/04(Thu)08:52 No.46039
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)10:42 No.46085
    :) :) :)
    >> Daidouji 10/15/04(Fri)13:00 No.46110
    I would rather have the Loli Yuri here anyway just because then i dont have to go to U Unless I wanna see older girls (and I dont)

    File : 1097804338.jpg-(106497 B, 680x964)
    106497 B The_New_Statesman 10/14/04(Thu)10:38 No.46080   [Reply]
    Limit of 10 image replies?
    What purpose could that possibly serve?
    oh well, page 9 of some chiyo doujin chapter requested below..
    7 posts omitted and 7 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)10:46 No.46089
    >> Argus !5B8aOtHWGQ 10/14/04(Thu)11:55 No.46092
    Holy shit.
    Usually I don't like this kind of stuff....but this is really hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)12:22 No.46093
    Best bestiality evar.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)12:22 No.46095
    i came
    >> rather not say 10/14/04(Thu)12:51 No.46109
    what exactly is the translation on that last frame on the last page.

    File : 1097811463.jpg-(146077 B, 444x600)
    146077 B Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:37 No.46100   [Reply]
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:41 No.46104
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:42 No.46105
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:47 No.46106
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:49 No.46107
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    I LOVE THIS ONE! also sorry these pics ended up in two threads oh well i guess :)

    File : 1097811341.jpg-(85144 B, 716x650)
    85144 B Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:35 No.46097   [Reply]
    Some Loli I found sorry I seem to have misplaced the link :(
    5 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:36 No.46098
         File : 1097811371.jpg-(89728 B, 401x800)
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:37 No.46099
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:38 No.46101
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:39 No.46102
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    >> Daidouji 10/14/04(Thu)12:40 No.46103
         File : 1097811601.jpg-(89442 B, 533x1000)
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    File : 1097712621.jpg-(50000 B, 317x425)
    50000 B Is this Loli? Duality !D7KwVOQUc6 10/13/04(Wed)09:10 No.45799   [Reply]
    6 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)16:42 No.45914

    Wow, that's kind of cool actually. :)
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)19:43 No.45932
    I'm just going to say it-Lewis Carrol was the coolest pedophile ever.
    >> Duality !D7KwVOQUc6 10/14/04(Thu)07:14 No.46009
    I found the article I was talking about. It was an interesting read. Wish I had gone to the show, though.


    >That he finally stopped taking photographs suggests that he thought he had run out of ideas: photography was about ideas to him, an artistic endeavor, not an obsession or a vice or a hobby or, as Vladimir Nabokov, who had no taste for Victoriana, once put it, a ploy for Dodgson to linger in a room with "sad, scrawny little nymphets, bedraggled and half-undressed, or rather semi-undraped, as if participating in some dusty and dreadful charade."

    Nabokov said that? Hmmm....
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:53 No.46015

    I wish this guy would finish writing his website :(
    >> CV !.CzKQna1OU 10/14/04(Thu)10:55 No.46090
         File : 1097805338.jpg-(90356 B, 868x1234)
    90356 B
    Seems an appropriate time to post this.

    File : 1097764768.jpg-(90382 B, 700x681)
    90382 B More galaxy angel yuri. sletia 10/14/04(Thu)23:39 No.45973   [Reply]
    Playing it safe because /u/ does not accept underaged nudes.
    2 posts omitted and 4 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> sletia 10/14/04(Thu)23:42 No.45976
         File : 1097764963.jpg-(118925 B, 640x480)
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    Technically not yuri.
    >> sletia 10/14/04(Thu)23:43 No.45977
         File : 1097765023.jpg-(92367 B, 640x480)
    92367 B
    Is lolicon allowed in /u/ if they're not nude?
    >> NoRyu 10/14/04(Thu)02:38 No.45987
    If it's not nude, it should rather go to /c , no?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)08:01 No.46017
    > Playing it safe because /u/ does not accept underaged nudes.

    Man that's their loss...
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)10:31 No.46072
    *tears up* It's... so... beautiful...

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