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  • File : 1097734482.jpg-(59532 B, 641x401)
    59532 B Tee Hee BusterBrown 10/14/04(Thu)15:14 No.20374   [Reply]
    Strap-ons > dick-girls
    3 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Mmmhh.... AzureFlash 10/14/04(Thu)09:43 No.20405
    The way to the ultimate strap-on girl is like the storm cloud connected to both sky and earth... strap-on girls need a strap-on that has a dildo not only outside, but inside as well. like a double-dildo-strap-on, see what I mean? That ownz.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)10:57 No.20407
    >but they also have a vagina.

    I am guessing you have not seen many dickgirl pics.
    >> In Theory.... Hydra Gundam 10/14/04(Thu)11:33 No.20410
         File : 1097807607.jpg-(39891 B, 640x480)
    39891 B
    Azure Flash that wouldn't work because a strap on does not move on it's own. The woman have to pull the straps out and let them snap back into place because the dildo would be in a fixed position.

    I know, but someday there will be the ultimate strap-one experience.
    >> Hydra Gundam 10/14/04(Thu)11:35 No.20411
         File : 1097807705.jpg-(123547 B, 640x480)
    123547 B
    Well, at least it's fun trying.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)12:47 No.20414
    You're both idiots because they already HAVE those. Christ.

    File : 1097720680.jpg-(35775 B, 640x480)
    35775 B Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)11:24 No.20336   [Reply]
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)04:16 No.20392
    >.> Am I the only one who wants more of this... <.<
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)09:30 No.20404
    >> Susano 10/14/04(Thu)12:26 No.20413
         File : 1097810780.jpg-(298182 B, 640x960)
    298182 B

    File : 1097476086.jpg-(574545 B, 1000x1558)
    574545 B Kilroy 10/11/04(Mon)15:28 No.20102   [Reply]
    4 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> kagato23 !8NBuQ4l6uQ 10/14/04(Thu)20:08 No.20380
    If Yomiko and Nancy somehow had a daughter, she'd be that glasses chick
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:34 No.20401
    more older women with young women please.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)11:17 No.20408
    anyone got more pics from that?
    >> torrentplz torrentplease 10/14/04(Thu)11:33 No.20409

    X0 Torrent please!
    >> Hydra Gundam 10/14/04(Thu)11:49 No.20412
         File : 1097808554.jpg-(34537 B, 257x316)
    34537 B

    File : 1097470734.jpg-(85549 B, 1250x930)
    85549 B repopulation commencing Anonymous 10/11/04(Mon)13:58 No.20046   [Reply]
    5 posts omitted and 6 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> lefty !3m3gDYZdng 10/11/04(Mon)14:14 No.20079
    Source of anime/game and artist?
    >> Kebinu 10/11/04(Mon)15:08 No.20090

    >> Anonymous 10/11/04(Mon)11:30 No.20247
    Fate/Stay Night game
    >> Ershin 10/14/04(Thu)02:18 No.20390
         File : 1097774333.jpg-(47689 B, 640x480)
    47689 B
    20054 is from Oshikake Hare Hard Party.

    There's a few other /u/ type pics in the game if anyone wants them.
    >> Dominic 10/14/04(Thu)09:17 No.20403


    File : 1097783960.png-(323518 B, 640x480)
    323518 B Sweet and Sensitive IMGhunter !ALNS95kvpA 10/14/04(Thu)04:59 No.20395   [Reply]
    ah yes, fruitful relationships
    >> IMGhunter !ALNS95kvpA 10/14/04(Thu)05:00 No.20396
         File : 1097784010.png-(204101 B, 401x545)
    204101 B
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:32 No.20399
    bump for snuggling. more cute/soft stuff like this please.
    >> Arcane !uP/3qlrDNA 10/14/04(Thu)07:43 No.20402
         File : 1097793803.gif-(33746 B, 515x305)
    33746 B

    File : 1097783884.png-(376756 B, 772x877)
    376756 B Melfina and Hilda IMGhunter !ALNS95kvpA 10/14/04(Thu)04:58 No.20394   [Reply]
    oh, bondage.. hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:33 No.20400
    oh yes, more OS plzzzz

    File : 1097717685.jpg-(150781 B, 690x999)
    150781 B louie 10/13/04(Wed)10:34 No.20331   [Reply]
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)16:43 No.20378
    Needs other pubic hair
    >> sizer !.fNJV2Jlhw 10/14/04(Thu)05:46 No.20398
    Needs another book of CG carpet samples.

    File : 1097783822.png-(403250 B, 700x543)
    403250 B Tinkle Bell IMGhunter !ALNS95kvpA 10/14/04(Thu)04:57 No.20393   [Reply]
    ...another picture from TB

    File : 1097477542.jpg-(103764 B, 610x532)
    103764 B Titan_Queen 10/11/04(Mon)15:52 No.20117   [Reply]
    1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Sex Magic!!! Pronossuer 10/11/04(Mon)06:58 No.20168
    Would you happen to know who the artist is or the name of this series? This is awesome!!
    >> Titan_Queen 10/11/04(Mon)09:00 No.20228
    Unfortunately Im unsure of the artist, but its Harry Potter yuri, much better than the HP yoai, in my humble opinion. ^^
    >> Satsuki 10/12/04(Tue)13:04 No.20270
    I do believe that is Sherant's.
    It certaintly resembles her style. Unfortunately, there is no yuri on her page.
    >> anon !jpoO3JpRA2 10/13/04(Wed)12:12 No.20351
         File : 1097723562.jpg-(83953 B, 561x511)
    83953 B
    It's Sherant's stuff alright. Here's another.
    >> Cas 10/14/04(Thu)20:58 No.20382
    Ohh hope there's more of this.. its great!!

    File : 1097734423.jpg-(37153 B, 633x475)
    37153 B Right On BusterBrown 10/14/04(Thu)15:13 No.20373   [Reply]
    >> DocWatson !.T1JCuS5W. 10/14/04(Thu)16:56 No.20379

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