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  • File : 1097634027.jpg-(37602 B, 400x400)
    37602 B FMA RoyxEd Hoot 10/12/04(Tue)11:20 No.20153   [Reply]
    3 posts omitted and 5 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> Lolita 10/14/04(Thu)05:27 No.20213
         File : 1097785647.jpg-(41603 B, 300x450)
    41603 B
    >> Lolita 10/14/04(Thu)05:28 No.20214
         File : 1097785722.jpg-(29593 B, 334x472)
    29593 B
    >> Lolita 10/14/04(Thu)05:32 No.20215
         File : 1097785940.jpg-(34879 B, 500x446)
    34879 B
    >> Hoot 10/14/04(Thu)07:30 No.20217
    Sorry. No source. It was sent to me ages ago.
    >> Fox Lee 10/15/04(Fri)13:56 No.20220
         File : 1097816207.jpg-(81836 B, 500x557)
    81836 B
    Yay for RoyxEd! These are all so gorgeous! ^^ I like the second one best.

    File : 1097571357.jpg-(64667 B, 500x527)
    64667 B eve 10/12/04(Tue)17:55 No.20097   [Reply]

    File : 1097634358.jpg-(48095 B, 640x480)
    48095 B Hoot 10/12/04(Tue)11:25 No.20154   [Reply]
    1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Alexandrite 10/13/04(Wed)13:46 No.20168
    Its from yaoi game called Gakuen heaven.
    >> Skuld 10/13/04(Wed)07:47 No.20171
    Looks like it's actually fanart of Gakuen Heaven. Doesn't look like Higuri Yuu's style, but it's close. :x

    >_> Interesting pairing too. *scratches head*
    >> Kaoru 10/13/04(Wed)10:27 No.20173
    I've played the game. This are charakters from it, but the scene isn't in it. Maybe it's from the manga.
    >> Skuld 10/14/04(Thu)14:28 No.20181
    I've got and read the manga, it's definitely not from there. The manga's mostly about Keita and Niwa. It's probably fanart, as it is not Yuu Higuri's style. Besides, plotwise, there is absolutely not reason for Nakajima to be with Saionji. :/ They're not very fond of each other.
    >> Hoot 10/14/04(Thu)07:32 No.20218
    Thanks for the source. This was another that someone had given me and I had no clue where it was from.

    File : 1097758886.jpg-(54425 B, 550x726)
    54425 B Elriccest fiathriel !alG1Ma2MQ6 10/14/04(Thu)22:01 No.20192   [Reply]
    Starting new one, old thread is full
    5 posts omitted and 7 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> eve 10/14/04(Thu)01:56 No.20205
         File : 1097773007.gif-(13120 B, 443x582)
    13120 B
    >> eve 10/14/04(Thu)01:58 No.20207
         File : 1097773103.png-(153567 B, 300x500)
    153567 B
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)02:02 No.20208
    Can someone tell me what this is from please?
    >> hyde 10/14/04(Thu)03:35 No.20209
    Full Metal Alchemist.
    >> eve 10/14/04(Thu)06:12 No.20216
         File : 1097788327.jpg-(104251 B, 569x456)
    104251 B

    File : 1097783338.jpg-(78828 B, 994x690)
    78828 B Love The Blob 10/14/04(Thu)04:48 No.20210   [Reply]
    Don't know where this was from; got it from a friend. Thought it'd be some eye candy though. ><
    >> Terra 10/14/04(Thu)05:13 No.20211
    I think I've seen this image on these boards posted about 4 or 5 times now...

    File : 1097773049.png-(12288 B, 300x500)12288 B eve 10/14/04(Thu)01:57 No.20206   [Reply]

    File : 1097556635.jpg-(146968 B, 509x613)
    146968 B hideki_motosuwa 10/12/04(Tue)13:50 No.20068   [Reply]
    This is a piece by me. Enjoy. :D
    >> Abe !M0Mn8Yr5XY 10/12/04(Tue)18:45 No.20104
    that man has a fantastic ass
    >> hideki_motosuwa 10/14/04(Thu)15:19 No.20182
    Thanks. ^^
    >> ov3r 10/14/04(Thu)01:55 No.20204
    indeed!! got more? :D i love it

    File : 1097719626.jpg-(62663 B, 436x400)
    62663 B tentacle Kaoru 10/13/04(Wed)11:07 No.20176   [Reply]
    from yami no matsuei vol.11
    4 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Kaoru 10/14/04(Thu)17:04 No.20184
    I was suprised, too. YnM really has its dark moments, but normally it doesnt become that graphic ^^
    >> King 10/14/04(Thu)22:26 No.20196
    Hisoka's dad is gettimg tentacle raped!?

    can you just imagine the therapy Hisoka's gonna need after seeing that?
    >> Terra 10/14/04(Thu)22:38 No.20197
    ... wow...
    and WOULD Hisoka need therapy? I mean... he wasn't very close to his parents... They locked him in a dungeon and treated him like a monster...
    >> fiathriel !alG1Ma2MQ6 10/14/04(Thu)22:56 No.20198
    >> danabahn !sYzC7pvfUM 10/14/04(Thu)01:18 No.20201
    lol, i bought this volume from YnM just cuz of this scene... XD *har, actually, it's cuz i wanted to have some YnM book, but it didnt matter which, since me dont read jp and just ogle at pictures... =p*

    File : 1097630617.jpg-(135256 B, 792x768)
    135256 B Anonymous 10/12/04(Tue)10:23 No.20149   [Reply]
    >> I love this... cute_little_vampy 10/14/04(Thu)00:20 No.20199
    YanaGoya is a GODDESS!!!! ...to me...


    File : 1097557950.jpg-(89337 B, 644x273)
    89337 B to get /y/ living... greed !BhzwBLiNg. 10/12/04(Tue)14:12 No.20075   [Reply]
    4 posts omitted and 8 image replies hidden. Click Reply to view.
    >> eve 10/12/04(Tue)18:00 No.20102
         File : 1097571655.jpg-(62861 B, 369x449)
    62861 B
    >> eve 10/12/04(Tue)18:01 No.20103
         File : 1097571715.jpg-(82527 B, 1100x626)
    82527 B
    >> greed !BhzwBLiNg. 10/12/04(Tue)07:54 No.20140
         File : 1097621687.jpg-(86177 B, 735x583)
    86177 B
    >> greed !BhzwBLiNg. 10/12/04(Tue)07:56 No.20141
         File : 1097621788.jpg-(51620 B, 510x613)
    51620 B
    >> fiathriel !alG1Ma2MQ6 10/14/04(Thu)21:55 No.20191
         File : 1097758507.jpg-(134358 B, 500x493)
    134358 B

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