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  • File : 1097079898.gif-(273287 B, 350x175)
    273287 B doll1FULL - Hentai-Game MovieRips ReN 10/06/04(Wed)01:24 No.32522   [Reply]
    So I finally decided to give back to all those who have shared things in the past. Here is some movie rips of a game that have been well sought after. contains 50 movie files, total 600 some odd MB unpacked.

    Will be seeding for a large portion of time. I may restrict amount of downlaods to increase performance.

    Enjoy, and happy 3d-animated catgirl fapping.

    45 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> ReN 10/09/04(Sat)09:59 No.32988
    Anyone? How do I get it on IRC? Like whats the commands or whatnot to get one of the bots to send?
    >> Anonymous !Mjk4PcAe16 10/11/04(Mon)17:00 No.33147

    maybe this could help you? http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html
    >> Stryyp 10/14/04(Thu)11:41 No.33614
    >> ReN 10/14/04(Thu)12:58 No.33632
    Heck if I know I'm still uploading on my end.
    >> swift_james 10/15/04(Fri)13:44 No.33640
    hey Stryyp, all you gotta do is click the "return to tracker" button, then look in the list for the link back to the stats page...THEN click download torrent.

    File : 1097507917.jpg-(454660 B, 1700x1200)
    454660 B Barasui works and buruma fanbook Saber !Z.KBbHRpyU 10/11/04(Mon)00:18 No.33200   [Reply]
    Awesome itigo masimaro doozinsi.

    Scanned personally.

    >> Anonymous 10/11/04(Mon)01:45 No.33207
    hey thanks :)
    >> zuitl !JpiuvV.m/. 10/11/04(Mon)01:48 No.33208
    Just looked at the book right now. Wonderful! Thank you for the fine scans and the torrent.

    Any idea why the artist left two pages in the middle blank, except for the page numbers? Maybe to keep the two stories visually separate?
    >> Yeah !slSgq69DRU 10/12/04(Tue)14:06 No.33271
    thnx this is great
    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:23 No.33638
    THANK YOU!!!!

    Lolita Complex 6 LoliconHunter 10/14/04(Thu)12:36 No.33630   [Reply]
    I think I saw someone requesting this. If I'm wrong well I am sure some one else would like this loli doujin. I just whis I can get the first 5 and issue 7. Well enjoy

    >> LoliconHunter 10/14/04(Thu)12:42 No.33631
    Ok I am an IDIOT. Here is he correct link:


    Ah sorry about that.
    >> LoliconHunter 10/15/04(Fri)13:13 No.33633
         File : 1097813591.jpg-(310314 B, 1070x1510)
    310314 B
    Ok here is an example pic.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/04(Fri)13:21 No.33636
    this torrent is incorrectly built. where it asks for Tracker, you should type Hongfire's tracker URL, not the post's URL.
    >> Arach 10/15/04(Fri)13:22 No.33637
    I think you'll need to remake the torrent. You list the tracker inside the torrent as 'http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?p=3319#post3319' which isn't going to work at all.

    Thanks for the post though, I hope you get it running.

    File : 1097813873.jpg-(244720 B, 1500x1500)
    244720 B Comic Market 66 doujin collection 3 Holiday !ShipoN2MTA 10/15/04(Fri)13:17 No.33635   [Reply]
    Here's 4 doujin cd released during Comic Market 66.
    More to come in the future!
    All doujin cds are in Japanese and contain sex and nudity.

    For a more detailed description of the contents, please refer to the torrent info page:

    File : 1097717063.jpg-(237780 B, 848x1225)
    237780 B Hen, chapters 1-16, English scanlated Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)10:24 No.33457   [Reply]
    Nobody helped me in /r (boo-hoo), so I parked in IRC for three days until I managed to snag the files off a bot. Here they are, English-scanlated Hen manga. Enjoy.

    8 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> KiTA 10/14/04(Thu)17:42 No.33512
    I would kill for a torrent of 変. I have some scans of it translated thanks to Farhad's site, and it's great. :)
    >> KiTA 10/14/04(Thu)17:43 No.33513
    Also, wouldn't mind a copy of the Live Action Movie/TV Show (?) version of Hen (the one with Lesbians, not 変.)

    I've gottem some clips of it here and there, it's absolutely amazing, but man oh man is it hard to find.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)18:14 No.33514
    >Didn't think anyone had even heard of Hiroya Oku.

    He's also the creator of Gantz! Of course a lot of people heard of him.
    >> cc 10/14/04(Thu)12:34 No.33629
    So, who's got an mp3 of the ending theme to the Hen anime?
    >> The Funny Fiend 10/15/04(Fri)13:16 No.33634

    Farhad's site....... you mean www.tgmanga.fr.st?

    like I said earlier, I have 変 vols. 1-4 and reprint (basically, they cut off volumes 1-3, and reprinted the rest of the vols. 4-13 in 4 condensed vols. I have 1-3 of the condensed vols.) 1-3.
    Sadly though, I don't have a scanner. I had to buy my copies used from amazon.co.jp. Damn,it sure is hard to find a guy that's willing to sell outside of Japan....

    File : 1097078556.png-(58691 B, 320x240)
    58691 B Fan of Valkyrie Profile? RedBaron 10/06/04(Wed)01:02 No.32519   [Reply]
    I have made a torrent for the game called Valkyrie Fight Tag a great fighting game based off of Valkyrie Profile. It is NOT realesed outside of Japan so here it is for anyone who wants it.
    44 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Greenshrike 10/13/04(Wed)07:27 No.33435
    dont bother wasting your bandwidth kids, it sucks ass. If you download a doujin game, make it Melty Blood instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/04(Wed)12:20 No.33475
    It's a totally different type of game compared to melty blood. It's much older, so of course it lack the visual polish. Character styles and the principles of the game are novel and have a great deal of depth to them.
    >> kaiserpocky !ygrWyeRJno 10/14/04(Thu)10:30 No.33610
    wtf is going on in the screenshot, and is there any way to do it in game or was someone being an ass with photoshop?
    >> Miss Priss !Pu9b06T36E 10/14/04(Thu)12:14 No.33624

    It looks like Lilith's Gloomy Puppet Show Super from Vampire Saviour. If there's a way to do it in game, Miss Priss hasn't found it yet.
    >> Gamer858 !tG1R9mnClE 10/14/04(Thu)12:29 No.33628
    I was able to do it once on accident, but i haven't been able to do it again since =/

    Could someone post a reliable torrent for Immoral Sisters episodes 1 and 2? AeonX 10/14/04(Thu)12:14 No.33623   [Reply]
    Thanks in advance
    >> Miss Priss !Pu9b06T36E 10/14/04(Thu)12:15 No.33625
    >> Smiling_Bandit !wk71FpxIQI 10/14/04(Thu)12:20 No.33626
    I think I'm lost. I'm obviously in /r/ could one of you point me in the direction of /t/ so I don't get lost again?
    >> A mod 10/14/04(Thu)12:24 No.33627
    I hope you enjoyed your stay on 4chan.

    >> Oni 10/15/04(Fri)13:32 No.33639
    LOL, these are the comments that make me love 4chan.

    Anyway sage it with fire.

    Mega CCS Hentai Pic Collection LoliconHunter 10/14/04(Thu)12:05 No.33620   [Reply]
    Well since Sakura from CCS seems populor in /l I thought I would torrent all of my pics of her. All 277 of them that is. So you sakura freaks with a few Sakura pics this is just for you. Enjoy.

    >> Mega CCS Hentai Pic Collection LoliconHunter 10/14/04(Thu)12:10 No.33621
    Woops my bad. Speelled forum wroung.

    So here is the link again.


    File : 1097173557.jpg-(66889 B, 640x480)
    66889 B hRO Files hRO 10/07/04(Thu)03:25 No.32713   [Reply]
    All the files you need to play hRO the free hentai server.
    ro, sakrey and the hRO client.
    28 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Momo !SlutB4z9dA 10/14/04(Thu)13:16 No.33488
    wtf does choco card do on other servers? On mobRO it gives provoke lvl 3 on acessory.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)01:19 No.33544
    Choco card = +100 to all stats
    >> Anubis 10/14/04(Thu)02:24 No.33554
    No... This is free RO.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)11:58 No.33617
    naw naw naw... choco card on iRO is a GM only card. on just about every private server it has different abilities. +100 to all stats is insane, if a private server enables that, their server sucks donkey cock. Besides, hRO is far from a good server. the rates are slow and the people aren't too friendly(esspecially to new players)
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)12:03 No.33618
    where are the RO h4x!? all I want is +10 perfect sythelike balmung of verserk...

    File : 1097759399.jpg-(118873 B, 803x603)
    118873 B CG_Set_-_Discode me 10/14/04(Thu)22:09 No.33527   [Reply]
    as requested here: http://img.4chan.org/r/imgboard.php?res=30039
    this sucks ass, do not download.

    stats: http://trc-sucks-ass.homeip.net:5687/
    size: 87.3 MB

    i downloaded this from a website somebody posted as answer to a request a few weeks/months ago.
    i even sorted them into the individual scenes for your fapping pleasure
    (the images inside a scene only differ in HOW the bucketload of jizz is spread over the female)
    5 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Aquagenesis 10/14/04(Thu)02:21 No.33553

    then leave already. what are you still doing here?
    >> me 10/14/04(Thu)02:52 No.33559
    i am the tracker and i am the seed...
    leaving is fine with me...
    >> sperman 10/14/04(Thu)05:25 No.33569
    Stop fighting at once!

    Thx for this fine HCG. I'm a big fan of LINDA.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:17 No.33596
    dude, that chick's gettin flo-nase!!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)11:33 No.33613
    Yes! Thank you, only problem is that is doesn't work for me, the torrent says it's invalid and fails

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