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File : 1097388912.png-(68447 B, 300x300)
68447 B Yes. GrapplerJ !NWHvSPhDc2 10/10/04(Sun)15:15 No.177 [Reply]
Feel this rusty pipe +5!
>> Howlin !g4JUUJI33A 10/10/04(Sun)18:45 No.182
Love it. Hahaha.
>> belindabird 10/11/04(Mon)14:36 No.231
Cool, you don't see many pics of Heather around
>> ratbat 10/11/04(Mon)17:34 No.233
bump for awesome heather <3
>> Tonetone 10/14/04(Thu)19:26 No.303
Woah! A reference to Silent Hill AND Mystical Ninja. Now there's a crossing I never thought I would see..
>> MiniFoo 10/15/04(Fri)13:41 No.330
Well, they *were* both made by Konami...

File : 1097806351.png-(122631 B, 300x300)
122631 B Untitled Dain 10/14/04(Thu)11:12 No.327 [Reply]
Okay, granted I'm not a pro at this, I hoped this would be more appreciated on a board that wasn't geared towards people who wanted to draw pictures of penises with blue hair. This is only my fourth Oekaki ever, so go easy please. And yes, I suck at backgrounds.

Time - 4 hours actual painting time.
Utilities - Pen, EPen, Eraser only.
Equiptment - Logitech Rollerball mouse.
Planning - Construction lines on board.

File : 1097800815.png-(227528 B, 500x500)
227528 B 2nd pic on oekaki. Namami-Kun_187 10/14/04(Thu)09:40 No.322 [Reply]
S.W.A.T, water color in the oekaki is a cool thing.
any good? i think it turned out not bad.

File : 1097743909.png-(65323 B, 300x300)
65323 B candy snorklemoose 10/14/04(Thu)17:51 No.296 [Reply]
mmmm, candy.
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)19:09 No.301
is this loli ?

sry i'm couldnt stand... >_<
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)08:24 No.318
Nope not loli. Her name is Sandy and she is 63.

File : 1097769999.png-(51719 B, 300x300)
51719 B Screw Sagers!!!!!! Namami-Kun_187 10/14/04(Thu)01:06 No.306 [Reply]
hahaha, first ever oekaki, now dont tell me i wasnt origional!! This goes for all the stupid sagers in 4chan, as well as the anonymous heroes that suport sagers and have no balls to put a nickname.
10 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)08:50 No.319

lol drama queen
>> oh well, fuck you. Namami-Kun_187 10/14/04(Thu)09:42 No.323
your kind of language.
>> Shii Style 10/14/04(Thu)09:51 No.324
>> saging 1-100 Namami-Kun_187 10/14/04(Thu)10:01 No.325
at thsi rate no one will reach 100 sages....i wonder how many sagers there are in 4chan.
>> Worm !Pi4gIJ8jSU 10/14/04(Thu)10:44 No.326
You'd think stuff on the Pro board would look really really good.

File : 1097460953.png-(136860 B, 450x450)
136860 B Night Falls homeLost !BfFF/5XeYs 10/10/04(Sun)11:15 No.221 [Reply]
Hope this is "Pro" enough for here. It took me an amount of time, and i would rather put it somewhere it would be appreciated.
>> MiniFoo 10/10/04(Sun)12:55 No.227
The clouds could be a bit more detailed, instead of just a single stroke with a wide brush, but other than that, it's very good. I like the colors.
>> homeLost !BfFF/5XeYs 10/11/04(Mon)14:43 No.232
At the time the clouds looked decent. But yeah, looking at it again, the clouds look too 2-dimensional, and yeah, too simple.

Live and learn, i guess. It was also my first time using layers.
>> indie !XMqdEZoQls 10/14/04(Thu)04:34 No.310
siplistic or not, its good enough to be considered thoughtful art. i actually like the simplicity of it.

File : 1097496179.png-(312586 B, 500x500)
312586 B miss macross Yarei 10/11/04(Mon)21:02 No.239 [Reply]
just thinkin' about macross.
>> Anonymous 10/11/04(Mon)23:21 No.241
('-`)b good
>> Howlin !g4JUUJI33A 10/11/04(Mon)08:18 No.252
She may be having some shoulder/hunchback issues, but this is EXCELLENT. More plz
>> Yarei 10/11/04(Mon)12:38 No.260
i noticed that afterwards too. it was late and at the time it looked fine.
>> Dominic 10/14/04(Thu)00:12 No.305

File : 1097732060.png-(127938 B, 300x300)
127938 B なのはちゃん(^^ hanaji 10/14/04(Thu)14:34 No.290 [Reply]
3 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)19:08 No.300
***applause*** bump for best /ip work on 4chan
>> Sugoi-Baka !KSuAhAofWE 10/14/04(Thu)19:20 No.302

>> THIS.. Dain 10/14/04(Thu)08:50 No.320
...deserves a fucking bump.

Holy shit, over.
>> Everfalling 10/14/04(Thu)09:39 No.321

>> sesas 10/14/04(Thu)11:40 No.328
Bullshit thats CG

File : 1097745897.png-(43806 B, 500x600)
43806 B Hmmm ippy 10/14/04(Thu)18:24 No.299 [Reply]
Testing out the nifty features on this oekaki. Will do something more then a quick sketch later.

File : 1097457497.png-(192938 B, 800x800)
192938 B Anonymous 10/10/04(Sun)10:18 No.220 [Reply]
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)18:07 No.298
it's missing excessive anger veins.

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