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Painter: Width: Height:

File : 1097811340.png-(3043 B, 300x300)
3043 B Flying Squirrel Them 10/14/04(Thu)12:35 No.648 [Reply]
Hello, this is the society for STRANGE PEOPLE. We cannot come to the phone right now, please call again five minutes ago and someone would have been able to take your call.

File : 1097808678.png-(7458 B, 300x300)
7458 B Crimson 10/14/04(Thu)11:51 No.647 [Reply]
Anime iz teh KooLL!!!!!

File : 1097788445.png-(102436 B, 300x300)
102436 B Yume DenkouNova 10/14/04(Thu)06:14 No.638 [Reply]
I had a dream someday that people will fucking stop being depressed and live their lives without thinking too much.
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)07:47 No.641
Good advice. Screw this depression bullshit, I'm going to go fuck an 8-year-old.
>> Anonymous 10/14/04(Thu)11:18 No.646
Can I get an Amen?

File : 1097798126.png-(2485 B, 300x100)
2485 B Pfeizer 10/14/04(Thu)08:55 No.643 [Reply]
Somone carved BICE into her skin.
>> voidcast 10/14/04(Thu)09:43 No.645
It was me. Sorry.

File : 1097798475.png-(22034 B, 300x300)
22034 B ages !HS0fTV8fVk 10/14/04(Thu)09:01 No.644 [Reply]

File : 1097796597.png-(6503 B, 300x300)
6503 B RtF 10/14/04(Thu)08:29 No.642 [Reply]
quickie ...

File : 1097789986.png-(97173 B, 300x300)
97173 B Anonie 10/14/04(Thu)06:39 No.639 [Reply]
Eh, it lacks follow-through... my first attempt at an oekaki... I think the worst part was I didn't find the layer control until I was about 90% of the way through the picture... Anywho, Cure Black, Precure, yadda yadda.. my photoshop version was better -.-

File : 1097788174.png-(66589 B, 300x300)
66589 B Jinpukun 10/14/04(Thu)06:09 No.637 [Reply]
eh I was rather bored so what better to do then just draw some.

File : 1097787872.png-(32882 B, 300x300)
32882 B First oekaki Demon Kyo 10/14/04(Thu)06:04 No.636 [Reply]
This is my first Oekaki took quite along time for it (even if it doesnt look like it) cuz i never worked with this program before and im doing this with a trackball

File : 1097323225.png-(5241 B, 300x300)
5241 B zepher !JDUu5w4iro 10/09/04(Sat)21:00 No.386 [Reply]
>> Sugoi-Baka !KSuAhAofWE 10/09/04(Sat)21:09 No.388
all this in 3 mins?!
>> Hellfenix 10/14/04(Thu)05:03 No.635
I'd Hit it

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